uss wahoo wreck photos. In 2000, a memorial honoring the sacrifice of the men of Pompano was erected at the entrance to Juniper Hill Park. uss wahoo wreck photos

 In 2000, a memorial honoring the sacrifice of the men of Pompano was erected at the entrance to Juniper Hill Parkuss wahoo wreck photos  On 17 October 1922 Lt

Shown on this page are six photos of the wreck that we believe to be USS Wahoo (SS-238). The Wahoo Project is an independent, multinational project created and developed by Bryan MacKinnon, grandnephew of Dudley "Mush" Morton, last Commanding Officer of USS Wahoo (SS-238). Morton successfully torpedoed the Buyo Maru and then engaged two other Japanese ships in an action which lasted. Navy says wreck found off Japan is legendary sub USS Wahoo From Commander, U. The Jerusalem PostUSS Wahoo (SS-238) Submarine - Launched 14 February 1942 - Lost at sea. The USS Yorktown in her present state three miles deep on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. S. S. Shown on this page are six photos of the wreck that we believe to be USS Wahoo (SS-238). Experts on the research vessel E. Mediterranean Sky is one of the best-known shipwrecks in Greece, but it didn’t always have the name to prove it. Possible USS Wahoo - Photo 17. Morton) attacked a Japanese convoy about 270 nautical miles north of New Guinea and torpedoed and sank the Japanese army cargo ships Buyo Maru (5447 GRT) and Fukuei Maru No. During July-December 1918, she operated. The second USS Wahoo, SS-565, was commissioned on Memorial Day 1952 and decommissioned in 1988, after serving in the Pacific as part of Seventh Fleet and completing two tours in Vietnam. On Eternal Patrol - Photos of USS Wahoo Wreck Site. It was 77 years ago today we lost the USS Wahoo and she went On Eternal Patrol The USS Wahoo ( SS-238) commissioned after our entry into World War II on. He found both boats much faster than the Navy thought he would, so they let him use the leftover money and resources to actually search for (and eventually find) the Titanic. La Perouse Strait, July 8, 2007 : The U. For a brief history of the boat, please see The Loss of USS Wahoo. O'Kane, who would. Browse Getty Images' premium collection of. Soviet Union. Posted: 1/14/2006 8:12:21 AM EST. Photo 01 - View forward from the aft main deck. During the search, extensive. USS Wahoo. Photo 01 - View forward from the aft main deck. (Post war records readjusted this to 19 ships and 55,000 tons and placed Morton among the top 3. Russian divers said the ill-fated submarine had. October 2018. USS Wahoo (SS-238) off the Mare Island Navy Yard, California, 14 July 1943. Browse 1,294 submarine wreck photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more photos and images. On Eternal Patrol - Wahoo Memorial Ceremony-at-Sea . • It has or had side-mounted paddlewheels. They were taken on July 28 and 29, 2006, by a Russian team in a dive at the. On Eternal Patrol - Photos of USS Wahoo Wreck Site. Navy Says Wreck Found Off Japan is Legendary Sub USS Wahoo Story Number: NNS061031-15 Release Date: 10/31/2006 7:01:00 PM. Browse Getty Images’ premium collection of high-quality, authentic Submarine Wreck stock photos, royalty-free images, and pictures. Relive the week in the War Fish Blog. USS Wahoo (SS-238) - July 2006 La Peruse Strait, Russia;. Key details from the torpedo and its nearby launching tube helped identify this wreck. This is believed to be one of the last photographs taken of Scorpion (NH 68140). Navy Says Wreck Found Off Japan is Legendary Sub USS Wahoo Story. At 9:45 a. USS Wahoo (SS-238) Submarine - Launched 14 February 1942 - Lost at sea. 531k: 3 photo PDF history of the Devilfish (SS-292). They were taken on July 28 and 29,. Christie,Number 1: first woman diver, Evelyn Dudas 1967 First woman to dive from Viking Star Ship, later dove from boat R/V Wahoo & Seeker. One of the most controversial incidents to occur during the U. During its 49. S. The web page. Ballard, discoverer of the wrecks of the the wrecks of the Titanic and the German battleship Bismarck, located the historic Yorktown on May 19, 1998. ("Clear the Bridge" R. org. Dived. Please note — the wreck of USS Wahoo (SS-238) was found on July 28, 2006, in the La Perouse Strait by a team of Russian divers led by Vladimir Kartashev. On Eternal Patrol - Photos of USS Wahoo Wreck Site. The USS Indianapolis was built in Camden, New Jersey. USS San Diego underwater Bike ride. Researchers found it more than 17,000 feet (5,400 meters) beneath the ocean. 9, 1942. The Wahoo's early maneuvers in the Pacific were considered unremarkable, but then it was assigned a new skipper -- a charismatic, aggressive young man named Dudley W. Photos 1942–2006. Memorial USS Wahoo (SS-238) Second World War (1939-1945) US Highway 77, Wahoo. Wahoo. Home; About HullNumber; Before you Register;. 2-Janet Bieser 1981 July R/V Wahoo second woman, and the youngest woman, member "Woman's Diver Hall Fame " The only woman Captain to operate expeditions to the Doria as the. "On Eternal Patrol," through USS Bowfin Submarine Museum & Park, is honored to be associated with The Wahoo Project. The surviving crew were later picked up by USS. At 1136 swung ship and headed for the cripple, our second target, which was now going away on course 085 degrees. Oct. Three days later, in another game, Morton dealt a 28-point hand. The wreck of World War II submarine USS Grayback has been discovered off Japan 75 years. It was part of a two-year mission to locate, map and study historic shipwrecks in NOAA’s Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary and nearby waters. Richard Hetherington O'Kane (February 2, 1911 – February 16, 1994) was a United States Navy submarine commander in World War II, who was awarded the Medal of Honor for commanding USS Tang in the Pacific War against Japan to the most successful record of any United States submarine ever. 25, 1942. At 1342 that afternoon, he gave the order to fire on the boats with the Wahoo's 4 in. , 1 Oct. While the assumption is that decades in the ocean would have led to total disintegration, the discovery of the wreck of the Titanic in 1985 also prompted a debate over whether there could be human remains embedded in the wreckage, two and a half miles below the surface of the Atlantic. deck gun and . Shortly after midnight the ship sank to its watery grave, just 16 miles south-southeast of Cape Hatteras, taking 16 men down with it. Skate SSN-578 Photo Gallery. The U. Digital. At 1136 swung ship and headed for the cripple, our second target, which was now going away on course 085 degrees. The Hornet was sunk by Japanese forces in the Battle. A member of the team views pictures of the remains of the USS Hornet inside the online room of the R/V Petrel. Under commanding officer Dudley “Mush” Morton, the sub claimed sinking 17 ships for 100,000 tons. Following a shakedown cruise to the British West Indies and post-shakedown repairs at. USS Wahoo (SS-238) - confirmed discovery in the La Peruse Strait. Navy’s Pacific Fleet Submarine Force reviewed analysis and photos provided by the Bowfin Museum and agreed the wreck is USS Wahoo. S. To date, a total of eighteen photos of the wreck have been released. He begins with an interpretation of Wahoo's loss based on known facts and review of the wreck footage. 061030-N-0000X-002 File Photo (Feb. Please note — the wreck of USS Wahoo (SS-238) was found on July 28, 2006, in the La Perouse Strait by a team of Russian divers led by Vladimir Kartashev. S. 5B. S. Browse Getty Images' premium collection of high-quality, authentic World War Ii Ship stock photos, royalty-free images, and pictures. Navy ships authority to engage Iranian warships that were in the act of attacking neutral merchant ships in the Arabian Gulf. USS WAHOO (SS-238) USS Wahoo (SS-238) was a Gato-class submarine that was last heard from on 13 September 1943 in the La Peruse Strait. Mary’s, Maryland. The company’s findings were consistent with reports of divers familiar with the wreck: The “Grand Dame of the Sea” is rapidly deteriorating. From Commander, U. 1. Navy Says Wreck Found Off Japan is Legendary Sub USS Wahoo. Browse 582 sinking cargo ship photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more photos and images. The late Paul Allen’s research team announced they found the wreckage of the World War II-era. Page 1 of 4 : Notice: On this page are photos of the sunken submarine, USS Wahoo. The semi-regular online webzine for all topics USS Wahoo (SS-238). [2] April 13, 2022 by Jenny Ashcraft. The U. The photo was been. From Commander, U. S. The sinking of Nitu Maru by Wahoo. They were taken on July 28 and 29, 2006, by a Russian team in a dive at the specific location whose coordinates were. Photos were taken during submarine explorations of. World War Ii Ship stock photos are available in a variety of sizes and formats. This would be an important interpretation of these photos regarding the cause of WAHOO's sinking, especially since there is no corresponding record of an aerial hit from the Japanese, and in view of the experience. Today, the Diego lies upside down and relatively intact in 110 feet of water, 13. A torpedo from John F. Officials with the Pacific Fleet Submarine Force reviewed analysis and photos provided by the Bowfin Museum and agreed the wreck is USS Wahoo. Photo. They were taken on July 28 and 29, 2006, by a Russian team in a dive at the specific location whose coordinates were. Officials with the Pacific Fleet Submarine Force reviewed analysis and photos provided by the Bowfin Museum and agreed the wreck is the Wahoo. While passing 50 feet heard a light explosion which. 14, 1942) - USS Wahoo (SS 238) is launched at Mare Island Navy Yard, Calif. Ten-ichi-go. A pair of alert escorts follow the USS Hornet with carried 16 B-25 bombers for the ‘Doolittle Raid’ on April 18, 1942. S. Dudley Walker "Mush" Morton (July 17, 1907 – October 11, 1943) was a submarine commander of the United States Navy during World War. S. At approximately 1130 hours, in the middle of a "14 hour running gun and torpedo battle", LCdr. Photo from files of the Vallejo Naval & Historical Museum via Darryl L. S. Vasilis Tsikkinis photos // Getty Images. After an officer on USS Silversides took pictures of a sinking Japanese ship through the periscope, the submarine suffered a ferocious depth-charge attack and the photos failed to develop. submarine war against Japan took place on January 26, 1943. Hit by two or. USS Wahoo (SS-238) periscope view of damaged Harusame off Kairiru Credit: USS Wahoo Date: January 24, 1943. NOAA for American divers access to dive USS Monitor 1989 Ceil has PASSED. Helen Cashell Baldwin and her siblings, Muriel and Ralph, toss roses in the ocean above the Navy submarine USS R-12. Contribute Information Do you have photos or additional information?The second Wahoo (SS-565) was laid down on 24October 1949 by the Portsmouth (N. The only known US submarine lost in the location the scan was made was USS Wahoo (SS-238). S. 48–33. “Mush” Morton. H-044-3: “Operation Heaven Number One” (. S. You could go inside and recover artifacts,” explained Gary. 10- Christine Nargi aboard the dive boat R/V Wahoo Captain's Steve Bielenda & Janet Bieser. McDonald on 17 October 1916. Beach, another great U. From the PacFleet press release: "After reviewing the records and information, we are certain USS Wahoo has been located," said Adm. Photographs and personal information are needed as indicated in the column at right. Click on a man's name to go to his personal memorial page on this site. Hinman, originally from: U. Usn. In 1942, submarines in the three regional Pacific Ocean commands had fired 1,442 torpedoes and sunk only 211 ships totaling almost 1. USS Wahoo attacked a Japanese convoy consisted of one tanker and two freighters with one escorting destroyer in the Pacific Ocean, sinking freighter Kamoi Maru with 3 of 4 torpedoes. The carrier. The wreck of World War II submarine USS Grayback has been discovered off Japan 75 years. She claimed to sink 27 ships, totaling 119,100 tons, and. Shown on this page are six photos of the wreck that we believe to be USS Wahoo (SS-238). The ship, which fought in both world wars, is making the journey to a dry dock in Galveston, where it will undergo an extensive $35 million repair. org. USS FLIER (SS-250) USS Flier (SS-250) was a Gato-class submarine and was last heard from on 12 August 1944 near the Balabac Strait. Here is the second installment of Chuck Thompson's assessment of the Russian Iskra Team video. At 13:32 different footage of the fwd 20 mm mount. She rescued 22 Naval aviators, received two Presidential Unit Citations, and conducted five highly successful war patrols. The USS Wahoo Peace Memorial was dedicated at Cape Soya, Hokkaido, Japan in 1995. Experts on the research vessel E/V Nautilus used two Remotely Operated Vehicles. Thanks to a Japanese amateur researcher, the wreck of the USS Grayback has been located off the coast of Okinawa, Japan, 75 years after the submarine. Gary Roughead, the U. The U. 8- Kathy Warehouse aboard the dive boat Sea Hunter, Capt Sal Arena 9- Molly Troutman 1985 aboard the dive boat R/V Wahoo Captain's Steve Bielenda & Janet Bieser. The wreck had several characteristics consistent with USS Wahoo, and the submarine was found very near those reported in Imperial Japanese Navy records. I first explored the USS Kittiwake in Grand ­Cayman with photographer David Doubilet. Fenno Jr. The entire crew of 53 went down with the submarine. Browse Getty Images' premium collection of high-quality, authentic World War Ii Submarine stock photos, royalty-free images, and pictures. They were taken on July 28 and 29, 2006, by a Russian team. US Navy Commissioned in 1943, USS Tang was a Balao-class diesel-electric submarine with a crew of 87 and an arsenal of. On Eternal Patrol - Wahoo Memorial Ceremony-at-Sea . Cmdr. At the helm of the USS Wahoo he completely changed the way the submarines fought in the Pacific War. Lost with all hands in October 1943, Wahoo was the pride of the U. Posted: 1/14/2006 8:12:21 AM EST. The Kaga vessel at its final resting place underwater. It was ordered on 2 December 2019. Marvin Granville Kennedy in command. All submarines lost at sea are said to be conducting an eternal patrol. submarines of the Second World War. This is a 8X10 photo of the USS Wahoo. Imaging and annotation by the Wahoo Project Group Contact: Charles Hinman, (808) 423-1341, or education@bowfin. By late 1943, many boats carried lighter tripod-style Mark 10 mounts. Navy says wreck found off Japan is legendary sub USS Wahoo. The keel of USS Wahoo (SS-238) was laid 28 June 1941 at the Navy Yard in Mare Island, California. News: U. The Titanic sank on April 15, 1912, after it hit an iceberg during its maiden voyage from England to New York. at the site where she is believed to rest with her gallant crew of eighty men in. Wars & Conflicts. USS Edsall (DD-219), 1920–1942 (NH 69331). 25 to Oct. Shown on this page are four photos (Photo 09 - Photo 12) of the wreck that we believe to be USS Wahoo (SS-238). Navy. Page 1 of 4 : Notice: On this page are photos of the sunken submarine, USS Wahoo. S. So we in the Submarine Service just sort of accepted our fate. Member "Woman's Diver Hall Fame ". Dudley W. Contribute Information Do you have photos or additional information?Site Notices. Navy Chief Petty Officer. The sub returned to Pearl Harbor in late May 1943 and O’Kane got his own command that summer, overseeing the. They were taken on July 28 and 29, 2006, by a Russian team in a dive at the specific location whose coordinates were. )—the Death of. After two-and-ahalf hours, Johnston —dead in the water—was surrounded by enemy ships. Wahoo was one of the most-celebrated submarines of World War II, sinking at least 19 Japanese ships, more than. Wilkinson in command. . On Eternal Patrol - Photos of USS Wahoo Wreck Site. Yamato. As executive officer of the USS Wahoo (SS-238), under the legendary command of Dudley “Mush” Morton, O’Kane had played a central role in that submarine’s early war. 20 mm mount is in the center of the photo. Contact: Charles Hinman, (808) 423-1341, or education@bowfin. O’Kane’s luck with the board would continue as he took it with him to become the commanding officer of USS Tang. The USS Wahoo was a remarkable sub on the merit of having these two men leading it; both of them were renowned Submarine aces. Based on the examination of the available video. Realizing that the boats were within easy range of Japanese held territory, Morton made the command decision to finish the Wahoo's mission and destroy the boats. How many US subs were lost in ww2? Fifty-two submarines of the United States Navy were lost during World War II. Morton. This Plaque lists the Comanding Officer CDR C. Navy, although. After a multi-hour sea and air attack, the Wahoo finally went down. PEARL HARBOR, HI – For more than six decades her whereabouts have remained a mystery; her story one of submarine legend – her crew on “Eternal Patrol. 10- 1998 Vincent Napoliello died diving on Andrea Doria. Then, on July 30, the USS Grunion was ordered back to Dutch Harbor, Alaska, the naval operating base in the region. Eight crew members were able to get out of the sinking sub in time, but the remaining 78 were unable. Researchers have discovered the wreck of the Imperial Japanese Navy carrier that was key to the attack. m. This picture shows the ship's air traffic control center (the four. The Navy has no plans to salvage or. USS Wahoo periscope view of Harusame torpedoed off Kairiru Credit: USS Wahoo Date: January 24, 1943. H-022-4 Loss of USS Wahoo; H-022-5 Battle of Vella Lavella. Rear Adm. Video Wreck Valley Andrea Doria video Billy Deans. HullNumber. When the smoke from the two-day battle cleared, more than 250 Japanese aircraft and nearly 50 ships were destroyed. Wilhelm Gustloff. On 11 October 1943, the submarine USS Wahoo (SS-238), under the command of the renowned Lieutenant Commander Dudley Walker “Mush” Morton. Private explorers found the USS Grayback beneath some 1,400 feet of water off the coast of Japan, ending a 75-year-old mystery. After a multi-hour sea and air attack, the Wahoo finally went down. The Kaga vessel at its final resting place underwater. November 2, 2006. At the lower left is USS Tinosa (SS-283) under construction. 31, 2006. Although in the case of the famed USS Wahoo (SS 238), commanded by Dudley W. After circling the ship, we entered through a side door into a small room. The USS Yorktown in her present state three miles deep on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Browse 9,635 world war ii ship photos and images available, or search for world war ii plane to find more great photos and pictures. Navy, although. (Photo 01 - Photo 04) of the wreck that we believe to be USS Wahoo (SS-238). Scrapping USS Enterprise (CVN-65), America's first nuclear supercarrier, is slated to take a decade and a half and cost a whopping $1. They were taken on July 28 and 29, 2006, by a Russian team in a dive at the specific location whose coordinates were. “Mush” Morton. USS Wahoo (SS-238) was the most successful American submarine in the World War II Pacific Fleet. Gary. She sank a total of 22 enemy vessels, including 16 vessels of the Axis (of which 14 were. Please c ontact us for further information. 7, 1941, in Pearl Harbor. Under the command of Dudley “Mush” Morton, the Wahoo became one of the most famous U. When United. Jennifer Idol. Entertainment. Wahoo's discovery comes on the heels of a similar discovery of USS Lagarto (SS 371), which the Navy confirmed was found in the Gulf of Thailand in June. Answer: Gato Class. Sinking History. Learn about the sinking of the submarine USS Wahoo (SS-238) by a Japanese air and surface attack in 1943, and the legacy of its commander Lieutenant Commander Dudley W. Browse 1,854 world war ii submarine photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more photos and images. Such is the case of the USS Corvina (SS- 226). S. Photos 1942–2006 Photos by USN, February 14, 1942 Photos by USS Wahoo (SS-238), January 24, 1943 Photos by USN, February 1943 Photos by USN, July 14, 1943 Photos by Vladimir Kartashev, July 28-29, 2006 via Wahoo Project Group Photos by City of Wakkanai, 2010 Contribute Information Do you have photos or additional information to add? The U. The sagas, adventures, and failures of other lost submarines are not so well known. Contact: Charles Hinman, (808) 423-1341, or [email protected] for American divers access to dive USS Monitor 1989 Ceil has PASSED. It was the USS Wahoo. Notice: On this page are photos of the sunken submarine, USS Wahoo. World War Ii Submarine stock photos are available in a variety of sizes and formats. on July 26, 1956. , 7 April 1945. , just eight months after her keel was laid. , and commissioned on 1 September 1944. S. Find Your Shipmates . Digital. Considered the most important lost ship in the central Pacific, the USS S-28 sank on July 4th 1944 and was discovered, explored and surveyed in 2650 meters (8700 feet) of water off the cost of Oahu, Hawaii. The editor was fortunate enough to participate as a volunteer and recorded the events in a blog. Douglas McAneny, Commander, Submarine Group 7, CTF 74, and CTF54, conducted the ceremony aboard. It sank a Japanese sub on Jan. On Eternal Patrol - USS Wahoo (SS-238) Photos of the sunken USS Wahoo News: U. On the back of the photo is typed. Page 3 of 4 : Notice: On this page are photos of the sunken submarine, USS Wahoo. The ship was launched in 1931 and commissioned by the U. S. On October 24, 1944, the USS Tang (SS-306) sank off the coast of China during WWII, trapping 29 sailors in 180 feet of water. At approximately 1130 hours, in the middle of a "14 hour running gun and torpedo battle", LCdr. Arizona spent World War I patrolling the waters of the Northeast as part of Battleship Division 8 out of Norfolk,. , 25 Sept. A Mark 14 torpedo on display at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco A Mark 14 torpedo on display in Cleveland, near USS Cod. During the Civil War, the idea of the USS Monitor was born amidst a nation in turmoil. Eugene P. S. Wahoo Memorial and Remembrance Ceremony - In October 2007 the USS Bowfin museum in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii hosted the Wahoo family for a week of remembrance. Here is the second installment of Chuck Thompson's assessment of the Russian Iskra Team video. The 700-foot luxury liner Andrea Doria sinks beneath the waves at 10:09 a. The Wahoo was a United States Navy submarine that was in service during World War II. At 13:32 different footage of the fwd 20 mm mount, looking aft toward the bridge. The U. On 26 January 1943, during an intense action, the USS Wahoo (SS-238), under the command of Lieutenant Commander Dudley "Mush" Morton, attacked the survivors of the Japanese transport Buyo Maru. WAHOO was one of the Submarine Force's most valuable units during her six patrols, and her feats have become submarine legend. S. She. Official U. Contribute Information Do you have photos or additional information? Make A Donation | Previous Page | Pacific Wrecks : Discussion Forum: Daily Updates: Reviews: Museums: Interviews & Oral Histories : Pacific Wrecks Inc. This year, the annual event was moved to November, just three days after the 80th anniversary of the Navy’s official missing report for the USS Wahoo was made on Nov. . USS Yorktown (CV-5) burns after being hit by three Japanese bombs during the Battle of Midway. Wahoo Memorial and Remembrance Ceremony - In October 2007 the USS Bowfin museum in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii hosted the Wahoo family for a week of remembrance culminating in a memorial ceremony provided by the US Navy. Credit: Sakhalin Energy Investment Corp via WarFish Date: July 2004. Navy has issued a press release verifying this information. March 13, 2019 5:18 PM. The Submarine USS Wahoo (SS238) Legends of the Deep - USS Wahoo (SS-238) USS Bluegill AGSS 242. The story that began with Admiral Lockwood came full circle in 2005 when a multinational search effort, utilizing state-of-the-art, side-scanning FM sonar, located a submarine wreck 213 feet below the surface, about 12 miles off the northernmost point of Hokkaido. Navy has issued a press release verifying this information. Submarine Losses World War II, NAVPERS 15,784, 1949 ISSUE. I found this link with some very interesting info about this submarine. Shown here are five photos (Photo 13 - Photo 17) of the wreck that we believe to be USS Wahoo (SS-238). Wasp—22-gun sloop-of-war, commanded. Wahoo. 53 m) of water off the coast of New York near Fire Island. he led a team of divers to the site and descended 185 feet to the wreck. 11, 1943, nearly a month into Wahoo’s seventh patrol, a multi-hour combined sea and air attack involving. uss north carolina - ww2 ships stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images The SS St Louis, docks in Antwerp, Belgium, with her cargo of German-Jewish refugees who were denied admittance to Cuba. The wreck was intact, about 213 ft down. S. Please note -- the wreck of USS Wahoo (SS-238) was found on July 28, 2006, in the La Perouse Strait by a team of Russian divers led by Vladimir Kartashev. m. Contribute InformationUSS Wahoo found. The Gato-class submarine made seven patrols during World War II. Browse Getty Images’ premium collection of high-quality, authentic Submarine Wreck stock photos, royalty-free images, and pictures. Kanko Maru. The Sunken Military Craft Act protects military wrecks, such as Wahoo, from unauthorized disturbance. Commander Dudley “Mush” Morton, today a legend in the US Navy’s submarine service. , 6. This video is dedicated to Mush Morton and the crew of the USS Wahoo, forever on Eternal Patrol and forever in our hearts. The Gato class was the largest class of U. Learn how Russian divers found its. H-Gram 020, Attachment 1 Samuel J. Wahoo earned three campaign stars. Made, hello model mayhem. (Photo 05 - Photo 08) of the wreck that we believe to be USS Wahoo (SS-238). S. Click here for complete and accurate listing of men lost on USS Wahoo.